Friday 21 April 2023

The Easiest Way to Build Your Email List


Building an email list has never been easier or more important than it is today. Email offers you the best platform to connect with your customers, share valuable content and build trust with your brand. But building an email list isn’t always easy – particularly if you don’t know where to start. Building an email list isn’t as complicated as some people make it out to be, but there are still multiple strategies you can use to make the process easier on yourself, including the tips in this article! [...]

Start with Opt-in Offers

The simplest way to get more email subscribers is by offering something of value in exchange for their information. If you have a newsletter or list that you want people subscribed to, then simply offer them something in return for signing up. This can be a free product (like an ebook) or a discount for exclusive access to your next launch. These types of opt-in offers are simple and effective. However, some companies opt for advanced tactics like landing pages instead (we’ll get into that later). Start with basic opt-in offers if you’re just starting out; it will help you develop your strategy before moving on with more complex methods like sales funnels. We’ll talk about those in Part 2.

Use Giveaways and Contests

One of my favorite ways to get more email subscribers is through giveaways and contests. A giveaway is basically an event where you give away a free product or service in exchange for an email address. For example, if you sell a do-it-yourself ebook about home improvement, you could host a giveaway for all of your subscribers. If someone wants one of your products, they have to enter their email address into a widget that automatically sends it to you upon completion. This way, you’re building your list while giving people something they want (the chance to win something). You can use Rafflecopter or Woobox to help with running a contest. Both are free services that make it easy to set up and run online contests (like giveaways) on your website. I recommend using them because they allow you to easily customize how users enter, which makes things easier for everyone involved. You can also use MailChimp’s built-in tools for creating contests and sending out notifications when someone wins. However, MailChimp does charge money each month based on how many people are on your list—so keep that in mind before signing up with them.

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Offer Something Useful

One of my favorite ways to get new subscribers is by giving away an ebook or report that's closely related to what I write about. Readers feel like you're genuinely helping them by offering something for free, and it gives you a great chance to connect with potential customers. The best part? You can easily create your own product (see above), hire someone on Fiverr, or use LeadPages' built-in functionality for creating landing pages and opt-in forms. All three options are super affordable and easy to set up. Plus, once your offer is live, you can send traffic directly to it via social media, your email list, or even paid advertising if you want to spend some money.

A/B test: It’s important to always be testing as much as possible when trying to grow your email list because not all methods will work for every business—or even every audience within one business. If you have multiple lead magnets available on your website—like ebooks, checklists and guides—you should A/B test which ones are converting best so that over time you’re only focusing on those types of content.

Always Write What You Would Like to Read Section: Use Exit Popups

Remember how I said that it’s possible to get free traffic? Well, here’s how. One of my favorite ways is with exit popups. These are like links at the bottom of your posts that appear once you scroll down a certain amount—and they can go a long way in getting you new subscribers! Check out MailChimp’s guide for more information on how to set these up and what makes them successful (hint: it’s about creating good content). Another great resource for setting up exit popups is Sumo. They have an awesome template builder that allows you to create custom popups with ease. And their templates look great! A/B Test Everything Section: Always Test Your Posts Before You Publish Them: Here’s something most people don’t know about me: I hate writing. It takes me forever because I am so critical of myself. So when I write a post, it has to be perfect before I publish it because if someone reads something bad from me, they won't come back again.

Run A/B Tests

There are many different ways to grow your email list, but you’re sure as heck not going to do it by making a bunch of random guesses. One of the most effective methods is A/B testing. Essentially, you change a few elements on your site and observe which version gets more conversions. The A/B test system itself is quite simple, but there are a lot of nuances and important considerations (such as sample size) that go into planning an effective test. With sufficient care and planning, though, it will pay off handsomely in email subscribers (and customers). If you're looking for help with your next A/B test or want some examples to get started with, check out CrazyEgg's post on how they increased their conversions by 18%. It includes specific details about what they changed, why they made those changes, and what kind of results they saw.

Avoid Spamming Readers Section: Reward Yourself

Make sure you celebrate each milestone along your journey by rewarding yourself. When I hit 1000 subscribers on my email list, I gave myself a reward for doing so. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive, but it does need to be something that makes you feel good about accomplishing your goal. For me, a mani/Pedi was perfect! Not only did it relax me after hitting my subscriber goal, but it showed me just how far I had come in building my business. Achieving goals gives us satisfaction and confidence that we are on track and getting what we want out of life. So celebrate your accomplishments by treating yourself with something nice! 10 Ways to Grow Your Email List Quickly: You can grow your email list quickly if you follow these 10 simple tips: #1. Find readers who would like what you have to offer: Don’t spam people with an offer they don’t care about—find people who will love your book or products first! One way is through Facebook ads; another is using Twitter hashtags; yet another is joining Facebook groups related to your niche or genre.

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